Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hallie Ann Bei Everett

After much deliberation and thought, we have given our baby her new name!  Also, we got two new pictures of her, thanks to Ann, of Red Thread China. (Not sure about the usefulness of that first shot... but we'll take what we can get!)  She is sending Hallie Ann a "lovie" and a soft photo book with some pictures of herself and of us.  Hopefully she can become a little bit familiar with our faces before we arrive.  We are waiting on LOA now (letter of acceptance).  From there, it will probably be about 6 weeks or so until we travel (my guess-- could be longer, we'll see).

Monday, August 3, 2009

A New Adventure

The Lord has blessed us beyond measure with a referral:  Wu FuBei was born on January 11, 2008, in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, China.  She has a repaired cleft lip and a cleft palate, and she is beautiful and perfect.  Our agency says they expect we will travel in Oct/Nov.  We will see-- I'm thinking November, if nothing slows down!